Up to things

October 22, 2006

Haven’t really been doing anything lately. I’m working on my completely redesigned website at www.mxsix.com . I’ve been getting more into web design. School seems like it’s getting harder. I think I’m just getting lazier.

I have to write a damn essay today. I can’t think of anything I dislike more than writing for an assignment. It’s all the same bullshit. I hate how the english teachers say, “See, the hat symbolizes the (character’s) inability to face his fears.” Why can’t it just be a damn hat? Maybe the author didn’t put messages in their writing and the english department is blowing things way out of proportion. Man that pisses me off. Enough of my rant.

Dinkin flicka.

Sunday Ride

October 8, 2006

So my buddy took me out to the track at Elsinore today for some awesome riding. I had to sell my bike a while back so it felt really really nice to be riding again. Goin off jumps, pullin the throttle, speedin down the track, god I miss that.

Idle Time – Thoughts

October 3, 2006

I had been pretty busy this weekend so I thought I would just take today a little lazier. I slept in, had some food, watched TV. Finished homework and basically sat around. I kept thinking of things to do but never actaully did anything. I felt almost almost down. Like I didn’t do anything productive. Well, tomorrow’s a new day.

I kinda want to go to Homecoming. Actually, I do, but with who? I don’t know. I guess I’ll know this week.


September 30, 2006

So Thursday I go to work. Come home and chill for a bit. Then my friend calls meup to go to the Angel’s game. I hate baseball, but how can I resist going out? The game was pretty tight, just ate and yelled most of the time. After the game, my three other friends and I head home. Then we head up to our other friends house for an awesome time and then got our, well, you get the idea. I don’t remember much. Came back to house number two to play some guitar and late night video games. Was the most fun I’ve had in a long time.

I’m guessing there is some give and take becuase last night (Friday) was really boring. I watched the worst movie I’ve ever seen (Nail Gun Massacre) but it was entertaining to laugh at everything. Then the football game rolled around and I went to  that. Then I cruised down to Lamppost for some free pizza goodness. Some people never showed up, some had to go home, I don’t know. Boring.

Anyway, the USC game is on today.  Hopefully heading over to a friends. We’ll see what tonight holds.

Collegiate Persuance

September 26, 2006

Today, Oregon State was visiting school at 1 o’clock. I didn’t find this out until about 1:30. I ran to school and the representative was still there. To my surprise, no one else was in the career center. I was pretty cool, we shook hands and she told me all about the campus, studies, activities, and pretty much everything.

College searching can feel really confusing or hectic. It felt really nice to actually talk to a person directly about admission and all that jazz. Why OSU you ask? They have a really good Engineering/Computer department and my relatives live very close to the campus.  I had a lot of confidence after my meeting. Except, now I have to do the same thing for all the other schools I’m thinking of applying to. Oh well.

In other news, I saw Jackass Number Two this weekend. It was awesome. Way better than the first. See it!


September 24, 2006

So the same thing happens almost every weekend. Friday morning, I wake up stoked (Everyone does right?) I mean, come on it’s almost the weekend. Time for friends, free time, anything you want. I don’t know if it’s just me, but if I don’t have anything planned for the day or night or whatever, I end up doing absolutely nothing. I make endless calls but still get nowhere. It’s really not encouraging. Hooray, another night of watching nothing on TV, talking to no one online, and feeling like I’ve done something wrong. Don’t get me wrong, when activities come up, I have a great time. Hanging out with friends, going to the movies. I had such high hopes for this beautiful Saturday, but no. Sean came over for a while and we watched Jackass (the first one) but that’s about it.

Hopefully, I’ll see Jackass Number Two tonight, but  we’ll see.

At least USC is winning right now.

Another season of The Office!

September 22, 2006

Just watched the season premier of The Office. Needless to say, it was hilarious. Great way to start the season. If you have never seen the show before, I suggest you watch it! Dwight was really funny.


The Last School Year

September 22, 2006

Today is the 21st which means school has been in session for a few weeks now. And I never thought I would say this, but I am really enjoying it so far. Senior year is living up to its word. I don’t know whether it’s the fact that I get out at 12:15, I don’t have that much homework, classes aren’t too difficult, a lot of my friends are in my classes, or it’s that Senior mentality. Anyway, it’s not bad.

My job is coming along nicely. I’ve been doing more customer PC/server jobs than sticking to my humble little corner that I call my “office”.

I just rented the stand up Jim Gaffigan’s DVD and I really recommend it. He is really funny and lazy like me.

I think I’ll start writing more often.

Signed ~id1-copy.png

Hello world!

August 29, 2006

Hello all. Just started with WordPress. More to come. 🙂